Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs.

Bedroom Wall Decor

Bedroom Wall Decor
Simple and easy to make with a frame from Hobby Lobby and scrap material cut into heart shape, ribbon, and stuffing!


I used my first ever Jelly Roll (love those!) and LOVE the finished project!


Leah, Stacy, Ashley


What you are passionate about was created in you to make a splash in this life that no one else can make. Make it. Make it now. -'Fresh-Brewed Life'

Forever in our Hearts

Forever in our Hearts
We love you, baby Shane. And we miss you.
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'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.' -Jeremiah 29:11


Caleb - 12; Wyatt - 10; Bailey - 9; Tayler - 7; Nolan - 6; Jake - 5; Addy - 5; Brooklyn - 2; Kylie - 7 1/2 months ALL 9 cousins :)

About Me

I love being able to stay at home with my kids and hubby! Other things I love: jammies, hot coffee in the morning, Pinterest, outings with my family, sewing, scrapbooking, friends, picnics... and more!

Blog Archive

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!!

No better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than with Jason!
We will have a date after the kids go to bed.  We will order Qdoba
and have a candle lit dinner in the front room...

How are you celebrating?  And with whom are are you celebrating with?


mom said...

Great picture of both of you!!! LOVE IT

Dad said...

Mom and I went all out for Valentine's Day this year. We had steak and shrimp at Red Lobster.Okay, we had fried (and dried skin) chicken from a grocery store, and some good home made fruit salad. A few other items, too. We had a candlelight meal. Okay, it was a floor lamp. And we watched a romantic movie while we ate. Okay, it was the state and international news. We gave each other romantic gifts. Okay, we skipped gifts.Later, we watched another romantic movie. Okay, it was "Wheel Of Fortune." For dessert during WOF, we, okay, I, finished off the chocolate cake Mom got from a store several days ago. Like I said, we went all out this year.LOL! But, hey, we love each other. So what difference does the rest make?

CityGirl said...

Funny, Dad :) Hopefully you choked down the old cake with a glass of milk... lol