Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs.

Bedroom Wall Decor

Bedroom Wall Decor
Simple and easy to make with a frame from Hobby Lobby and scrap material cut into heart shape, ribbon, and stuffing!


I used my first ever Jelly Roll (love those!) and LOVE the finished project!


Leah, Stacy, Ashley


What you are passionate about was created in you to make a splash in this life that no one else can make. Make it. Make it now. -'Fresh-Brewed Life'

Forever in our Hearts

Forever in our Hearts
We love you, baby Shane. And we miss you.
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'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.' -Jeremiah 29:11


Caleb - 12; Wyatt - 10; Bailey - 9; Tayler - 7; Nolan - 6; Jake - 5; Addy - 5; Brooklyn - 2; Kylie - 7 1/2 months ALL 9 cousins :)

About Me

I love being able to stay at home with my kids and hubby! Other things I love: jammies, hot coffee in the morning, Pinterest, outings with my family, sewing, scrapbooking, friends, picnics... and more!

Blog Archive

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day #3 - Valentine's Yarn Wreath

 Jason gave me a gift card to JoAnn Fabrics for Christmas.  From that I purchased a foam heart wreath and red yarn and then wrapped the wreath with the yarn (harder to do than it looks due to corners!)  Today I picked up the pink heart picks, white flowers (yes, fake.  And if you know much about me, you know I despise fake flowers.  BUT, these were tiny and I figured I could handle it!)  and the heart ribbon.  Those three items were purchased at our Dollar Tree.  I arranged the heart picks, fake flowers and cut off the ends. Then wrapped the stems in ribbon, hot glued some spots and tied it on the wreath with more ribbon.  I am quite pleased with the outcome:
I took a picture of it hanging on my front door, but our door is all glass and thus there was a ghost picture of me taking the picture.  So, on the table it is.  Oh, it hangs to the side.  I like it a lot!  Fake flowers and all...

1 comment:

mom said...

ooooooh - that is pretty!